What is acupuncture?

The thinnest, sterile, stainless steel needles are used to flood your body with endorphins and neurotransmitters to calm your sympathetic nervous system, and encourage a profound state of relaxation.

Acupuncture is based on the theories of the flow of qi (chi) through distinct channels or meridians, that cover the body. Acupuncture basically permits qi to flow to areas that are deficient, or areas that have too much excess stagnation (pain, etc). Acupuncture functions to regulate and restore the body's systems, thus treating & preventing disease by balancing disharmonies.

The needles are as fine as a strand of hair, so the insertion is hardly felt, or can sometimes feel like a little pinch. You may experience a heavy sensation around the needle insertion, or a distending, tingling, or electric feeling that may travel up or down from the needle site.

The needles come in individually sterilized packets, and are discarded after a single use. No needle is ever reinserted.

The number of treatments depends upon the nature, severity and duration of your condition. For acute conditions, you may only need 1-2 treatments. A series of 6-10 treatments may resolve a more chronic issue. However, if you have a condition that has been progressively worsening over the years, it may require treatments over many months. Most patients discover that they enjoy the benefits of acupuncture, even if they are healthy. Acupuncture can stimulate your immune function to keep you healthy. Some people come in for monthly or seasonal 'tune-ups,' just as you would tune-up your car to maintain great function!

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